
10 Steps To Becoming A Morning Person

Wouldn’t it be great to just wake up every day feeling great and ready to tackle any challenge the day presents to us? Well, this is a challenge for most people who are not morning people, every morning something goes wrong and they feel horrible until maybe 10am. The good thing is you can teach yourself how to become a morning person because let’s face it, it just makes your day more enjoyable and less stressful.

morning person

After practicing these steps below, mornings might end up being your favorite part of the day.

1. Go to bed early
The biggest reason why people wake up feeling tired every morning is because they don’t get enough sleep. Going to bed early helps you get enough sleep and relax in order to have energy for the next day.

2. No screens in bed
Most people have a habit of taking their laptops or phones to sleep and spend at least an hour browsing before they actually sleep. This will only ruin your sleep and because of the light from the screens it will take you at least 30 minutes for you to fall asleep.

3. Implement a routine
Every night, find something you like to do that doesn’t involve you being on your computer or phone. Maybe it’s drinking a cup of green tea or reading (a print book), whatever it is, make it a habit for every 30 minutes before you sleep. It should be something calming and relaxing.

4. Create a healthy environment
Where you sleep also affects your sleep, if it’s unclean and scattered, your mind is likely to be consumed by the same. Your bedroom should always be clean and feel fresh, a peaceful place to relax and sleep in.

5. Stop pressing snooze
Hitting snooze the first time your alarm rings, is not only going to make you late for the day but also it also disrupts your Rapid Eye Movement (REM) which is the time we have our deepest sleep, it lasts for about 70-90 minutes. It’s better to wake up at the beginning of your REM when you are not deep in your sleep to avoid waking up feeling your worst.

6. Get up at the same time everyday
Most people wake up just before their alarm clock goes off but go back to sleep just to wait for the alarm. Listen to your internal clock and wake up as soon as you open your eyes. With time your body will get used to that particular time. Also try to avoid oversleeping during weekends because that will confuse your body rhythm.

7. Get up and get moving
Instead of opening your eyes, looking for your phone whilst yawning then checking all your messages, get out of your bedroom as soon as you wake up. Drink a glass of water and start preparing for the day. Being slow allows laziness to sit in and feel tired.

8. Exercise every morning
A morning exercise will boost your metabolism and gives you extra energy to help carry you throughout the day. It helps you feel good too because your will powers are at their highest. And you also get it done for the day and not worry about working out when you are tired after work.

9. Have a healthy breakfast
Having a healthy breakfast every morning is helpful, wholegrain carbs and protein gives you energy to keep you going the whole morning. Morning meetings are just better when you are not hungry. The worst thing you can do for yourself is skipping your breakfast.

10. Set your motive
Avoid thinking about what you are not looking forward to doing, instead motivate yourself with the best things you are going to do in your day to fuel your desire to wake up, get going to get them.

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