
10 Reasons Why You Shouldn’t Quit Your Job

Sometimes even your dream job can feel like the worst job ever. Work place can feel like prison, from cranky bosses to colleagues being jerks, it can be overwhelming sometimes but this should be no reason to quit your job if your career is important to you.


Before you throw in the towel and send that resignation letter, you might want to consider these reasons why you shouldn’t do it.

1. You don’t have a plan
Quitting your job without having anything planned out can put you in a panic mode and potential employers might sense desperation and be put off by it. It’s not the wisest idea to leave your job if you don’t have a new job offer.

2. You don’t have any savings
So you quit your job today and you don’t have petrol money to go to an interview? Not wise, you must have enough money saved to get you by for at least six month, the strain is not necessary if you don’t have savings.

3. You will miss out on a learning opportunity
Be strategic about your next move; think about how much you’re learning from your current employment. It makes no sense to leave a job without enough experience that will benefit you. You might want to stay where you are and gain as much experience as you can.

4. You can distract people from seeing your great qualities
The silly reason you’re leaving your job for might make you look like you are not serious about your career. Think about the impression you want to give to your next employer, your positive qualities, contribution and qualification should outweigh your story about why your previous job was the worst.

5. Things can get better
If you know how your current job can change your career of life in general, you might want to stick to it, one little thing cannot be the reason for you quitting your job. As companies grow, there are changes that might happen and bumps will come and go.

6. Quitting for bigger paycheck
We all want a job that can give us the best salary, so it might seem like the best move to go to a company that pays better. Before you do that you have to weigh everything, there are other factors that matter like, social, monetary and psychological, weigh them all in and then decide if it’s worth it.

7. It could affect your resume negatively
If this is more than just a job to you, then your deciding factor on whether or not to leave your current job should be how it will affect your resume. Quitting your job should strategically come down to timing. If the job is really bad and you are not happy, at least complete a year for your resume then leave.

8. Your current job can develop a key element of success
One of the best predictors of success in life is resilience, how capable you are of rising above challenges life present to you. Resilience gets stronger with more challenges; you can use your current job to build your character.

9. You could land yourself in legal trouble
If your departure breaks the law or violates any kind of employment agreement or non-disclosure agreement you could land yourself in hot water. Some employers will even go to certain extend like posting a picture or tweeting about it and this can ruin your entire career.

10. Challenges may turn into highlights of your career
If you want to quit because the environment makes it difficult or the job is overwhelming, think about what it could change you or your career if you were to overcome those challenges. People grow the most from challenging situations than they do in comfortable places.

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