
10 Reasons Why You’re Not Getting Promoted

Have you been spending most of your time in the office sulking because you didn’t get that promotion? What if you have a lot to do with why they haven’t given you the position you’ve been working hard for? Here are tips to help you identify what’s holding you back and maybe you can change it and get promoted.


1. Your Current Department Can’t do Without You
Maybe the reason why you’re not getting promoted is because you are great at what you do now in your department or organization and they know it would be hard to find someone to fit into your current position.

2. Lack of Necessary Skills Required
The biggest misconception about promotions is that people think because they are excellent with their current job, then they suit the position which is not how it works. The fact that it’s a different position means your responsibilities will be different. If you want the position you might want to get familiar with the requirements and skills necessary before you apply.

3. Lack of Political Savvy
Every company has rules, some are written and some unwritten, if you want a promotion you have to understand those rule in that organization. If you don’t work with that you might lose the opportunity, having political savvy will enable you to work within the system to effect change.

4. Lack of Strong Leadership Skills
You can be hardworking and smart but if you do not have leadership skills you can’t expect to get a promotion in leadership roles. Organizations promote and develop people who they think they see as leadership material. Maybe you should start acting like you are in that positions even before you get it.

5. Lack of Professionalism
Your behavior around the office is so crucial when being considered for a promotion. You can’t be someone who gossips around the office, or someone who isn’t confidential. Be a professional and always produce solutions rather than conflict.

6. You Don’t Take Feedback
Not everyone can take feedback the right way, let’s face it criticism is not easy to receive. But if you want growth in a company or that promotion, you need to learn to swallow your pride. Don’t show that you’re bothered or try defending yourself, rather find something you can learn from it and be better.

7. You Don’t Take Initiative
If you want to show your bosses or managers that you deserve a promotion, be a problem solver and have solutions even on problems that might not be yours. Find ways on how you can get involved in developing solutions. Work with others to create positive change.

8. Lack of Passion
If you’ve been missing out on the promotion for a number of times, it might make you lose interest although you still tell yourself you want it. You might lose that drive and fire inside that you had when you first heard about the promotion. Ask for feedback from your bosses on what you can improve in order to grow.

9. You think Like an Employee not a Manager
We are not saying stay at the office way after hours or become a workaholic; it simply means that you should be able to express interest in things that are normally not your concern.

10. You expect it
Although confidence is key to succeed, don’t just expect things to come to you. Put in the work, contribute and learn everything you need to learn for you to get the promotion.

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