
10 Major Differences Between High School And College

High school life and college life couldn’t be more different. The only similarity is that you’re still studying but in terms of the conditions it’s too different worlds. There’s nothing you can d in high school to prepare you for college, good or bad. The experiences are totally different and important in their own ways. Here are some of the major differences between the two.

1. In high school you know everyone in your stream let alone your class, whereas in college you barely know anyone.

2. In high school you still live with your parents obviously and you can count on them to remind you and push you to be better. In college you live with your friends and make your own decisions with no one’s help.

3. In high school you go from class to class and spend the whole day studying, you are forced to attend all lessons. Whilst in college you only attend plan your schedule to your liking and you learn whatever you want to learn.

4. Textbooks in high school are normally provided at no cost, you only study when preparing for an exam but in college you have to buy your own textbooks and the library becomes your best friend.

5. In high school everyone is required to be there and attendance is mandatory meanwhile in college people choose to be there and attendance is strongly suggested.

6. It’s almost a guarantee that everyone graduates from high school whereas in college you have a set of requirements that you need to fulfill to graduate and it’s entirely up to you to make sure you get them done.

7. In high school you are expected to read short assignments that are discussed and retaught and in college substantial amounts of assigned reading and writing might not be directly addressed in class.

8. Tests can be arranged to avoid conflicts with other events and makeup tests are often available while as in college, scheduled tests are without regard to other demands and makeup tests are seldom an option and may have to be requested.

9. In high school you have adults telling you what’s expected of you whereas in college it’s just expected for you to know what’s right.

10. In high school you are stuck with a social hierarchy where you are cast into whilst in college you can be who you want to be and choose who you spend time around.

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