Mongezi Treasure Malgas Interview

We interviewed the founder and CEO of OLIV Channel Mongezi Treasure Malgas. OLIV channel is a fast growing advertising and marketing platform in South Africa which focuses on Product Marketing, Advertising and Publishing. Find out more about the company and its CEO below. Enjoy!
YV: Who is Mongezi Treasure Malgas?
Mongezi Treasure Malgas: Mongezi Treasure Malgas is a result orientated entrepreneur, Founder of OLIV Channel, optimist, Mongezi was born in Soweto and was raised up in the village kuTsembeyi in the eastern Cape (Find the other attachment)
YV: What inspired you to start OLIV Channel (Opportunities, Leanerships, Internships and Vacancies)?
Mongezi Treasure Malgas : Our slogan says helping people is our way of life. That is our vision. There is no Law saying you need to have something to help those with nothing.
YV: Why youth as a primary target market?
Mongezi Treasure Malgas : We all know that youth is the future of any country. Now the problem we are facing now is having unemployed youth. Now what does that tell us with regards to the future of their families, future of South Africa? We need to tighten screws and give our youth to ensure better South Africa.
YV: Why opportunities?
Mongezi Treasure Malgas : Opportunities are there, we just need to get them. Now the problem about that is , opportunities are not advertised quite well and that is the reason we went to social media to advertise them… But we believe in creating opportunities if there’s nothing to advertise.
YV: Your OLIV platform achieved phenomenal growth . Did you anticipate the growth ? and what do you attribute this success to?
Mongezi Treasure Malgas : Till today I don’t know what happened with that platform, Honestly I don’t know. I woke up on one morning we had 100 000 followers and a week back we had 7000…I wish I knew what I did I would continue doing it, or maybe I’m doing it since we now sitting at 400 000.
YV: What inspired you to start your own business?
Mongezi Treasure Malgas : Two things My DAD and My RETRENCHMENT. Also my Father was an entrepreneur , He is one of the people that I always looked up to. I remember we would go with him to buy stock for his shop, and everything was listed down ,organised and he was successful. He influenced me a lot since I grew up in that kind of an environment. Secondly
I was working as a Facilitator and an assessor at Triple L academy for 5 years and I was facilitating Business Practice course. The course was designed to give our youth basic skills to start a business. That contributed a lot to my thoughts…
YV: As a internet entrepreneur what were some of the difficulties you faced as a start up?
Mongezi Treasure Malgas : Internet changes, more costs as we had offices to work in. Working with people who have different goals, Load shedding etc
YV: How did you fund your business?
Mongezi Treasure Malgas : From My pocket. This business is not expensive to start and anyone can do it. You just need a laptop and internet connection.
YV: You business has diversified, with a job centre . Please tell us more about your job centre
Mongezi Treasure Malgas : Its THE APPLICATION SUPPORT CENTER (ASC) …The problem that we are solving is that Online applications take too long to fill out. Most of all candidates won’t spend more than 15 minutes filling out an online application, although tolerance for lengthy applications varied by age. Candidates ages 25 to 34 roughly appeared to be the most impatient age group, as Half of them were willing to spend 15 minutes or less, on a single application. Candidates spend more money in the normal internet. At our internet cafes you spend your time completing the online form. Our aim is help people to at least complete their online forms.
We are setting an APPLICATION SUPPORT CENTER (ASC). This is a normal internet cafe where people will come browse and apply for jobs for not more than R30 a week. Internet usage, scanning of documents, printing etc is covered in this R30. We are FOCUSING more with ONLINE JOB APPLICATIONS/SUBMISSIONS .. We don’t set time for you Take your time until your application is done and sent.
You are welcomed to bring your laptop/Tablet etc and Use it (Some people work comfortably on their own machines)
You will have a consultant to go with you step by step with all your applications. If requested we will also do a phone call follow up on application with no extra costs.
We encourage candidates to do follow ups.
We are starting at JHB for now (then we will expand to other provinces)
We opening weekdays at 9:30 to 17:30
JHB CBD corner Rissik and commissioner
39 St Andrews House
4th floor
YV: You have also ventured into other businesses . What does your current business portfolio entail?
Mongezi Treasure Malgas : We are doing Online Marketing and advertising, Multi Level marketing… there other businesses that are on the pipeline that would be executed next year 2015. (consulting, Recruitment)

YV: How do you keep up and adapt to the constant advancement and changes in the internet space
Mongezi Treasure Malgas : I think you need to understand online stuff. That will help an individual to be always prepared. Whether you own your own business and need to learn Internet marketing strategies or you are looking to pursue a career in marketing, there are a number of ways you can collect the skills needed to be an Internet marketing professional. You can choose to sign up for classes, or learn and research the basics of Internet marketing for free. Equip yourself.
YV: What do you feel needs to be done or implemented in South Africa to create a more enabling environment for entrepreneurs?
Mongezi Treasure Malgas : FREE but QUALITY education and training is needed, especially in public school and must be intensified. And that’s number one. Number two Big companies must stop stealing ideas from young entrepreneurs just because they can afford to propel those ideas. Number 3 Companies should support their worker’s efforts of being an entrepreneur
YV: In your field, Who do you look up to?
Mongezi Treasure Malgas : Sandile Buthelezi,(Imisebenzi) Bruce Dube,(YouthVillage) Bongani Vilakazi, (Jump ON), Alan Hammond(Careers Portal)…I never forget their advices, they keep me going.
YV: Where do you see yourself in the next 5 years?
Mongezi Treasure Malgas : Well it’s not about me in the next 5 years; it’s about the youth of South Africa in the next coming 5 years. Our aim is to put SA to work. There is a plan in place for us which will help us to achieve that.
YV: What do you do for fun?
Mongezi Treasure Malgas : Connect my sound and dj, or Go to gym, if there’s a soccer match or rugby match ill be watching that
YV: What do you look for in a life partner?
Mongezi Treasure Malgas : All I’m looking for from my Life partner is Support. We might not work toward the same goal but lets support and encourage each other so we can reach whatever we hoping to reach.
YV: Favourite place to hang out in Jozi?
Mongezi Treasure Malgas : Steakhouse(braamfontein), Tarvern(maponya mall) Imbizo(Busy corner)(midrand), Shaguma lounge (midrand)
YV: What music do you listen to?
Mongezi Treasure Malgas : I Listen to Good Music, but I was once a DJ so I’m more into house music(strictly deep)
YV: What advice would you like to give to young people who would like to pursue entrepreneurship?
Mongezi Treasure Malgas : Gather information, Go on Linked in website and connect with people who are in your line of business. Don’t fail to plan because you will be planning to fail.
YV: How can people reach you?
Mongezi Treasure Malgas : You can follow on twitter @Oliv_channel , facebook is Mongezi Treasure Malgas if you need to partner with us or connect… Email directly [email protected]