Untitled Poem by Lesego Mothibi

The latitude of unrestricted minds is similar to the way of our incoherent lives we , find ourselves shifting through emotions which hinder us from our motion, and as long as our progression is slow we are not guaranteed to grow.
The targets that we set for ourselves have now become our slaves ,yes, that makes us productive but yet we tend to step back from being their masters.
Do we travel through each journey with a mask on our faces ?
Do we admit to have gone through certain phases ?
Have we learnt that mistakes happened at certain stages, and that its high time we started turning pages ?
Are we aware of the importance of diligence or do we still go ahead and waste our intelligence ?
Are you aware of the struggles that you may encounter or do you still see yourself as a hustler? I have come to wonder how we easily forget our future , how everything we take for granted may turn into torture.
Will you ever be aware that you contribute to the soothing air which consists of sweet serenity?
How ,there is more complexity towards your creation rather than mere existence?
That this sweet serenity was introduced the moment the words “let there be light ” were uttered. Would you say that are proud of being the representative of a being that was meant to be created in the genesis of mankind?
We are constantly told that we are unique , yet we find it so hard to believe.
When we are impregnated we are so convinced that a curse is about to be conceived .
Its so hard for us to perceive that we are destined for greatness.
We are different beings all originating from a refined background , a
particular place that no one can really comprehend.
A place where potential missionaries are created. A place where no one is
designated but rather appreciated. A place where one feels comfortable in ,
noise ,in silence , in disturbance simply being themselves. Where one can be
naked and not looked at differently, a place where only purity is existent
in the tranquil atmosphere .
Where you don’t have to remind everyone that you are actually there , where
you are simply suffocated yet surviving to a surface of a significant yet hard to reach sensation.
We are beautiful , intelligent , great , ambitious, amazing .
We are , self-doubtful and under confident , we are insecure.
Shielded by the burden of our experiences we fail to execute our passions .
We fail to reveal to the world who we really are, how our fears control what
we think about before we go to bed every night .
We fail to hold on to what defines our dreams.
Our judgment is shaped by our failures.
Our mindset is fractured by our wrong doings .
Our insides are no longer built but destroyed by our doubts .
I’ll say it again, we are beautiful .
All we need to do is accept it .
All we need to do is share it with the world.
All we need to do is cultivate it
and ensure that we are perpetually self motivated and through our
disappointments , we are never defeated .
All we need do is look in the
mirror and devotedly yet without devoid, embrace it.
Untitled Poem by Lesego Mothibi