Businesses You Can Start Without Capital

Starting a business requires money. Although the business idea is there and there is a gap in the market for it, putting it into practice may be a challenge if you don’t have the funds. However, although a business runs on finances, there are businesses that you could start with little or no capital at all. The list below shows you a few avenues you can explore in terms of businesses that don’t need capital.
A babysitter
To become a babysitter and do it as your own business, you will firstly need to have a great passion for kids and know how to relate to them. Then you will need to take up a course in CPR and first aid training. This will help parents trust you with their children knowing that you would know what to do should something go wrong. Then you can start marketing yourself in your neighbourhood, amongst friends and to the public at large. Also make use of social networks for a bigger reach.
An image consultant
If you have an eye for fashion and like to make people look and feel more positive about themselves, then starting an image consulting business may be just right for you. From giving beauty makeovers, to giving professional advice on how body language affects ones job search success, image consultants help people help themselves. Consider starting out working part-time from your home. Network and be a friend to caterers, event planners and wedding consultants.
A life coach
If you are a compassionate, non-judgmental listener and want to create a business around helping others overcome personal challenges in their lives, a life coaching business might be for you. Some of the advantages include you can run your entire business from home, coaching clients over the telephone, your earning potential is high, you can start your business while training and taking steps to become certified, it’s a rewarding business that allows you to make a difference in others’ lives, you can coach individuals or groups and you can develop products that complement your coaching services for added income.
A personal chef
For anyone who has a love for all things culinary, a personal chef home business could be very rewarding. With the increasing numbers of people who are just too busy with their work to worry about meal preparation – which could include many of us who are home business entrepreneurs – demand could be steady. The advantages of starting a personal chef business include the start up costs are very low because you’ll probably be using your clients cooking accessories. The business grows at your own pace through referrals from satisfied clients and word-of-mouth advertising.
A personal trainer
Starting a personal training business can be fun and rewarding. A personal training business can be anything from training a few clients one on one to training in a group setting. The type of personal training business that is best for you will depend on how you prefer to train people. Do your research on the different types of personal training businesses so that you can decide on what type of personal training you will be offering. Also consider the following question: Will you train at a gym, outdoors, online or at home? Combine these strategies for your business to have the best outcome and productivity.
A dog walker
Most people who have dogs don’t have the time to walk their dogs for different reasons. This is where you come in and make a living out of it. Most dog walkers simply just take the dog for a walk or let the dog out for a potty break. Dog walkers usually take the dog for a walk around the block. The best thing about this business is that you can charge by the hour meaning you get to do more work in a day. Although you might not have long hours per client, your clients payments combined add up to a decent amount off which you could live.
A freelance writer
As long as you have the desire, you can become a freelance writer and start your own freelance writing business. No special education or experience is necessary to break into this career and succeed. You can start your own freelance writing business and become a freelance writer immediately. The type of freelance writing you can do for clients depends on your expertise, and a client’s needs. Some writers specialize in working with particular types of clients. Others work with a wide variety of clients, but specialize in particular types of projects, such as writing newsletters, speeches, or scripts.
A consultant
The great thing about becoming a consultant is the low entry cost. It needn’t involve an outlay of precious savings or expensive borrowings, which makes the risk much more manageable. Review your CV and list all the projects you’ve undertaken over the years: what you did, the outcome, and what you learned. Summarise this into a set of areas where you can provide useful and powerful insights to others. That is the product you have to offer. You must be able to work alone and motivate yourself. Even getting up in the morning will be a challenge if your only incentive is your self-will! For many, the fact it’s your own business you’re getting up for is motivation enough.
A private tutor
If you are considering becoming a private tutor, it is a good idea to think carefully first about whether you are suited to the profession. If you are a good communicator, are flexible with your working hours and can managing your own finances then this business is for you. The internet is the best place to start for free advertising – there’s also newspaper advertising, posting flyers on local message-boards, and printing up your own business-cards. Tutoring will not make you rich overnight, and it will require you to be very flexible. During the quiet months such as school holidays you may need to find other work to keep your finances afloat. On the other hand, you can make a great deal of money whilst working small amount of hours and you get to experience the satisfaction of watching your students’ confidence grow.