
5 Steps to Get A New Job Fast

So you’re fresh out of University and you’re ready for work. In an economy such as ours, it might take longer than expected. Here are 5 steps to help you land your first job fast.


1. Get Organised

between jobs

Organization is key to staying on track in your job search. Keep track of places you’re interested in applying and what step you’re at in the application process. One good strategy is to create an Excel spreadsheet with the following columns: company name, relevant position, link to job posting, materials needed for application, date applied, date of follow-up and notes. This will help you track when and where you applied, help you remember if and when you followed up. This crucial step will help you get organized and get going on your job search.


2. Be Social


Get on Twitter, LinkedIn and Facebook. Yes, social networks can help you land a job. By correctly leveraging social media in a professional way, job seekers can establish themselves as thought leaders in their desired industry, network with professionals who may geographically be out of their reach, interact with companies that are hiring and establish their personal brand. Connect with companies you’re interested in on Twitter, Facebook, and LinkedIn to show your engagement and your social media skills. Plus, this will help you get even more details on the company to prepare for an interview.


3. Network


Networking is absolutely, positively crucial to any job search. Sometimes, it’s all about who you know and who knows you. Use social networks, local professional events and even social gatherings to increase your network and connect with relevant professionals. With networking, it’s all about creating a mutually beneficial relationship; if you give as much as you take, people will be more likely to lend you a helping hand and refer you to a job!


4. Research


The best way to find openings and get hired is to be informed about the company, industry and position for which you are applying. Research each and every company and position before applying, and be sure to brush up before an interview. Some great information to find: where the company is headed, what it has done in the past, who was in the desired position before it became vacant, background of the interviewer and anything else that could come up in conversation. Being prepared to answer questions and being informed enough to ask smart questions can make all the difference in an interview.


5. Follow Up

follow up

Following up is one of the most important steps in a job search. Two important follow-up strategies: One, follow up with a handwritten thank-you note after an interview, thanking the interviewer for taking the time to meet with you and reiterating your interest in the position; two, if you haven’t made it to the interview step yet, follow up with a phone call within two weeks of submitting an application to get your name on the company’s radar and check on the status of your application. Following up can be the difference between your resume landing in the “hire” pile and the trash.

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