Why Working For Someone Else Won’t Make You Rich

There’s nothing wrong with getting a job, it’s what we all look forward to after we graduate and making our own money. It’s a great start but the question is, are you really making your own money? Or are you making money for someone else and getting the crumbs off the table in exchange for your time? Why slave for crumbs when you can get the entire cake? The six reasons below will get you motivated by showing you the bigger picture. Yours will then be to take action.
1. You become too comfortable to take risks
The main problem with having a job is, yes you have an income and you can pay your bills. However after all that you are left with little to save. There is very little room for change because there is no change in your salary either. You have to push yourself to make a change and to het that comfortable lifestyle you’ve always wanted. So do something to shake up your life, and see how one change can push you to take charge and change everything.
2. You’re building someone else’s assets
When you’re working for someone else, you’re helping them and doing nothing for yourself expect maintaining your life. There’s nothing wrong with this but if you want to get rich, you’re only hurting yourself. You’re spending at least forty hours a week focusing on someone else. What about you, and what you want to do? Imagine if you have 40 free hours to work on something for yourself. It’s a lot of time, right? Once you get out of your comfortable career rut, you’ll have those forty hours to dedicate to yourself and your own assets. Everything you put into yourself and your business will come right back to you. The money you spend for the business can be deducted from your taxes, and any income is yours alone!
3. Time is more valuable than money
Money is something you can save, something you can get more of (if you know how). But time is fleeting. You’ll never be able to make up time you’ve already spent. And, as we just mentioned, when you spend time working for someone else, you’re not able to use that for yourself. Sure, you’re making money while you work, but what if you finish your duties before lunch? You’re wasting the other hours of the day doing nothing, just to get that salary. Or, if you’re on salary, you might be working way more than forty hours, and not getting paid what you’re worth. The company you work for is in charge of your time. They dictate your schedule, they tell you when you can leave early or have to stay late, and they tell you if you can take vacation time. When you work for yourself, you might have to work harder, but you’re working for yourself, in charge of your own time.
4. You work for money and the value of money depreciates
When you are in a job, you work for money not for assets and the value of money depreciates over time. The pay rise you get on a yearly basis is usually smaller than the rate of inflation too meaning that the amount you are earning buys you less every year. The rich on the other hand build assets (with your help as an employee). They build more businesses, buy more houses, invest in precious metals, expand their operations.
5. You grow too focused on saving for a rainy day
Saving is smart. We’ve all learned that, and it makes sense. But saving money isn’t helping you make money. You’re making a fixed income, and just putting money aside. Invest your money in your business, instead! Or if you’re not ready yet, invest in the stock market to watch your money grow.
6. You Stop Learning
When you work a 9 to 5 style job, it becomes really hard to continue educating yourself outside of your job. By the time you get home from all that traffic, you’re tired and exhausted. People that work for others are comfortable and don’t really give a shit about learning more. Entrepreneurs on the other hand are opportunists. They understand that if they can learn something before others, they can capitalize on that and make a lot of money.
Mbali Radebe