Be A Nation Builder

Be A Nation Builder
No matter the size of your business, and no matter what business you are in, (as long as its not criminal, or destructive, or injurious to others), you have a right to see yourself, as a “nation builder”; because you are.
No matter the size of your business, and no matter what business you are in, (as long as its not criminal, or destructive, or injurious to others); you have a right to see yourself, as involved in national development; because you are.
No matter the size of your business, and no matter what business you are in, (as long as its not criminal, destructive or injurious to others) if you employ just one person, even if its your child, you have a right to call yourself, an employer; because you are.
No matter your job, (whether formal or informal); whether you are a civil servant, or in the private sector, or social organization. Whether you are paid or not paid, as long as you woke up in the morning, and worked. Even if you are a vendor or a hawker, in the streets of a slum……As long as its not criminal, destructive or injurious to others… You are a nation builder, because that is how nations are built.
You might be farming on just a few acres, even in the rural areas of your country. Perhaps, you are a woman, just managing to survive. No one might have ever told you, this: you are a nation builder, the greatest nation builder, Africa has ever known!
If you live in the diaspora, and send money home to your family, no matter how little it is; you have a right to call yourself an investor in your nation; a nation builder; an employment creator, a national developer…. Do as much as you can!
We are all involved in national development, and nation building.