
Small businesses become ‘big’ to our government

President Jacob Zuma recently announced the launch of the small business development ministry. This ministry aims to focus more on small businesses and entrepreneurship in our country.

lindiweMinister Lindiwe Zulu was sworn in by deputy chief justice Dikgang Moseneke last month. Being the first small business development minister Lindiwe Zulu has a lot of eyes on her and basically carries the hopes and dreams of millions on her shoulders.

Zulu aims to champion the cause of small businesses to show that they can spur economic growth and also contribute greatly towards job creation.
Ms Zulu was interviewed on Ukhozi FM last Thursday.

She said that research shows that a lot small businesses tend to fall to failure in South Africa mostly because of lack of proper mentoring, funding and support and technical skills.
“My department will try and fill this gap by working together with small businesses on one hand and lending and financial institutions and government agencies on the other to foster common programmes and visions.”

It’s great to see that the government has decided to give greater attention to a small yet huge group of people who contribute to economic growth in our country.

Ms Zulu also urged that small business owners learn from foreigners who have thriving shops and small businesses in our neighbourhoods instead of attacking them.
With so much positive talk and enthusiasm let’s hope Ms Zulu will make the job of filling her shoes a very tough one!


Mbali Ntuli

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