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high_level_education_by_sadyaadein-d5nzgupThe average years for a person’s education is 12 years in South Africa followed by tertiary education that depends on other factors such as where you study, what you’re studying,the duration of the course and of course, the resources available to you that push as far as possible. Reasons for people to get an education today are that they want to get a well-paying job so that they can enjoy a comfortable life, but what happens when all that has now been achieved? People easily get content.
Ones choice of study comes with many employment options, meaning one can go beyond the ambition of just wanting a job. Having a certain qualification should not tie a person down to just that field. The key is to look for options beyond your field by finding the links between your field and other fields. For instance, the link between communications and psychology, meaning a person who started off as a journalist can branch off into the field of psychology.
The confidence that comes with it will also allow you to more engaging with people and have a lot of input to add on to intellectual conversations. Furthering your education and not being content with just a qualification in your own field can also open doors as you engage and network with all sorts of people.

People study for different reasons; others do it for the satisfaction of having a degree that has their name on it, while others do it to get that dream job but considering the time, effort and resources that are put into furthering your degree. One however can’t dispute the fact that it is always worth it.

Mbali Radebe


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