Advice Corner
Do you think Abortion is wrong? YES? NO? WHY? #YVDebates
Do you think Abortion is wrong? YES? NO? WHY? #YVDebates
Gugu KaNgcobo NgubaneIt is wrong cos a child is a gift from God
Claudine Pillay SmithSometimes the situation forces us to do it even though we know its wrong
Dineo Dinny ShirindaNot wrong sometimes situations forced people to do it e.g maybe if someone was raped
Sammy CupidoYes its wrong because the bible says so unless the mothers life is in danger
Moleboheng Adelaide MoseseIt is wrong because nobody has the right to take other peoples lives only God can do that.
Jacqueline RamahamaYes is wrong cos a child is a gift from god….and if is de onlyone child in ur life den do u think a men will marry a women who not make a child….de third one u must Q UR SELF WHY UR MOTHER NOT KILL U…STOP ABORTION PLEASE COZ DEY WANT TO LIVE LYK U AND DONT BREAK GOD’S PURPOSE PLEEEEZ STOP AAABBBOOORRRTTTIIIOOONNNN GALS.
Lebohang LekhonthulaNo one ABORTED you,so you have no RIGHT to ABORT others.
Thandeka NcubeIts wrong and right!
Dkt KhumaloSTOP ABORTION..condomize if u just doing sex 4 fun like Sethu Khumalo.
JB MasemolaNo one forced u to hv sex without protection so don’t force the baby to come out bfor it’s born. If u r raped get help immediately so u can get emergency after pill and ARV’s because it’s not only unplanned pregnancy u hv to worry about!