
Debunking Myths About Acne

acneAcne! That dreaded word that I absolutely hated in high school. I had it, and I had it bad. I spent hours trying to wash my pimples off with all sorts of products recommended to me by my pharmacist cousin, but nothing seemed to work. I eventually grew out of my pimple problem after leaving high school, but the damage was done.


In hindsight, I would have given an arm and a leg for some expert advice. So, in foresight, here is some advice for you from the founder of Cape-based Derma Clinic,DrIlsaOrrey, who says that ‘Acne vulgaris is a condition that can be treated successfully if approached correctly. Scarring and pigmentation can be avoided. It is not necessary to battle through teenage years with pimples/acne, but it is important that you get the proper advice and treatment.”

So, how do you get rid of it? Firstly it’s important to bust the myths surrounding acne.Have you ever been given any of the following advice?

False-  “Washing your face regularly prevents/cures acne.”

False-    “Acne in the centre of the face or around the mouth is “hormonal.””

False-   “Stress causes acne.”

False-  “Smoking doesn’t affect acne.”

False- “Eating chocolates causes acne”

False-    “Eating greasy foods causes acne”

False- “Tanning ones face makes acne better”

False- “Applying Sunscreen causes acne”

False-  “Everyone will outgrow their acne, it is ‘normal’ to have pimples as a teen”

False- “A few pimples are not acne” (See table below. Mild acne can progress to more severe acne)

These little tidbits of advice are all fiction, even though many of them are widely believed to be true. The truth about acne is that:

✓  Acne is a disease of the pilosebaceous unit (hair follicle and sebaceous (oil producing) gland)) which leads to

✓  Excessive sebum (oil) production as a result of increased sensitivity of the sebaceous glands to hormonal influences.  This starts in teenage years but can persist into adulthood. There is often a genetic predisposition.

✓  Skin cells sticking together causes plugging of pores (keratinization disorder). This causes the formation of comedones – blackheads or whiteheads.

✓  Bacterial overgrowth within the comedone, and finally

✓  Inflammation which causes pimples and pus pimples (pustules) as well as cysts.

Diagram Showing the Pilosebaceous Unit

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Simplified Acne Grading

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DrOrrey states thatit is correct that your lifestyle can affect your skin and it’s susceptibility to acne. Factors such as eating foods high in sugar, eating or drinking too much dairy, excessive scrubbing and cleansing, applying occlusive ointments such as Vaseline, and squeezing pimples (who doesn’t love a good pimple squeezing session?) can all worsen your acne which will inevitably cause scarring, pigmentation, and often psychological damage/self –esteem issues.

Timothy Stuurman is a Cum Laude media studies graduate from Helderberg College. He is the media and graphic designer at ED and CSI specialist agency Fetola (, and an award winning musician taking first place at 2010 SuidoosterfeesKaapRapportKorekompetisie with the former Stronghold Acappella (  As the founder and director of Outside the Box Talent and Production Studios, his passion is developing the creativity in others to help them better express themselves in all walks of life.

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