
Ooh MY Wild Child By Johannes Lucky Masilumpana

Ooh MY Wild Child

I just woke up from a nightmare

I dreamed about you being killed

Ooh my wild child

Where are you now dead or alive please give me a sign.

I have not seen you in a month

I don’t sleep at night

I no longer dream but Iam having nightmares about you

Ooh my wild child.

If only you could have listen

But instant you choosed to reason

Now I hear rumours that you are in prison

I hope you have learnt your lesson

Ooh my wild child.

Your dad  died complaining about you

Your mother cries herself to sleep every night,

With the tears in her eyes

The only words she say is

Ooh my wild child.

No matter the trouble you put me through

I will always love you.

Until you come back home I will keep wondering while saying ooh my wild child.


By Johannes Lucky Masilumpana

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