Ten things you should not reveal on Facebook

Ten things you should not reveal on Facebook
You’re having a party
Facebook is great and known for connecting you with your family and friends. Also with organising meet-ups with them, but listing your private house party on there? Unless you’re up for a large and noisy party that involves hundreds of gatecrashers ripping up the carpet and making off with the family silver, we’d suggest not. To be honest, we would have thought people had wised up to this one by now but, since the Facebook gatecrasher stories keep coming, maybe not…
• You’re off on holiday
Time for a bit of sunshine? Good for you. You deserve it. Just try not to sign off for the fortnight with a status update along the lines of: “Yippee! Off to Spain for two weeks tomorrow!” It’s not that we’re jealous (honest), it’s just that putting that kind of information online is little better than slapping a “not home for a fortnight” poster on your front door. Even if you’ve taken the sensible precaution of not including your address on your Facebook page, it can still be easily found elsewhere online.
• You’re doing great (bragging)
Lets get one thing straight. We are not jealous of you. Time for a reality check, We don’t care that you found a golden egg in your imaginary cowshed or that your pretend crops are growing super-great after being watered by that good friend of yours. In fact, people care so little, there are now even browser plug-ins available that will prevent updates of your brags from showing in Facebook feeds. If you’re going to waste your time on bragging or similar games, fair enough. Just turn off the auto-updates, please?
• You hate your job or your company, your boss, or your customers.
At some point in your career, you’re highly likely to run into a difficult boss, toxic co-workers, or an unpleasant work culture. Whatever the problem, the ultimate solution is generally the same: Step back, remove your emotions from the equation, and try to figure out what you can and can’t change If you’re going to use your Facebook page as a vehicle for ranting about your occupation, you’d better make sure your privacy settings are turned up high, or that you really don’t mind getting fired pretty soon..
• You are fighting with your partner
Fighting on facebook shows a lack of self-respect, disrespect for your partner and what little value they put on their relationship. Now this is the same as public fighting .Well it’s a good thing to share your complicated stories with your friends on facebook but make sure you become wise enough to not embarrass your partner or yourself and make your conversations private. Trust me you don’t want people to run away or delete you from their friends list because of your so called relationship problems. Worse enough when you are doing it in their faces..
• You’ve got 5,000 friends
Some people collect Facebook ‘friends’ with the same kind of urgent desperation with which they seek Twitter followers. But it’s all for nothing – as it turns out our poor brains can only deal with up to 150 real friends. Any more than that and you might find that while you’re bang up-to-date with what your window cleaner is doing this weekend, your closest friend since childhood has been forgotten. Remember, folks: a huge friends list isn’t a sign of popularity; it’s just poor quality control.
• You’ve done something stupid
Practical jokes are all well and good, but just remember that some people might not see the funny side. We shouldn’t go any further with this because clearly it’s stupid. There’s nothing to be said but to be speechless. Even if your friends might support you on your updates that doesn’t mean they are happy for you. Remember to be smiled at does not mean you are loved. So stop making a joke of yourself..
• You’re having an affair
Facebook has become fertile ground for divorce lawyers, insecure boyfriends and girlfriends, who are more than happy to pore over the site searching for indiscreet status updates and incriminating photos.So be smart enough to know what to and what not to rant about
• You’re on the run
For every criminal mastermind, there are a thousand who are less smart. Want proof? Look no further than 28-year-old Craig Lynch, a convicted burglar who went on the run after absconding from an open prison in the UK, in September 2009. Presumably feeling rather smug about evading the law, Lynch taunted police by regularly updating his Facebook page with details of what he was up to. Surprisingly, he managed to remain at large for a few months, before being finally arrested once more in January. Top tip for other would-be escapees: the idea is to hide, understand?
• Naked pictures of yourself
Posting naked or half naked pictures has become a trend these days on Facebook. But come on , Do you really love yourself so much? . Some probably feel untouchable with the million comments. Unless you are a model who get’s paid for posing naked. Flashing your boobs or your thighs is definitely yummy for a lot of guys but your self respect and people’s perception of you?>> down the drain!