10 Health Benefits Of Massage
10 Health Benefits Of Massage. Although a visit to a spa is normally a pampering treat, it can also be a huge boost to your health and wellness! Massage therapy can relieve all sorts of ailments such as physical pain, stress and anxiety. People who choose to supplement their healthcare regimen with regular massages will not only enjoy a relaxing hour or two at the spa, but they will see the benefits carry through the days and weeks after the appointment.
1. Reduce Stress
A relaxing day at the spa is a great way to unwind and de-stress. However, clients are sure to notice themselves feeling relaxed and at ease for days and even weeks after their appointments!
2. Improve Circulation
Loosening muscles and tendons allows increased blood flow throughout the body. Improving your circulation can have a number of positive effects on the rest of your body, including reduced fatigue and pain management!
3. Reduce Pain
Massage therapy is great for working out problem areas like lower back pain and chronic stiffness. A professional therapist will be able to accurately target the source of your pain and help achieve the perfect massage regimen
4. It Improves Sleep
Not only can massage encourage a restful sleep-it also helps those who can’t otherwise comfortably rest. Massage promotes relaxation and sleep in those undergoing chemo or radiation therapy. Massages also help infants sleep more, cry less and be less stressed.
5. Improve Flexibility
Massage therapy will loosen and relax your muscles, helping your body to achieve its full range of movement potential.
6. It Relieves Headaches
Next time a headache hits, try booking a last-minute massage. Massage decreases frequency and severity of tension headaches. A single session of massage therapy immediately effects perceived pain in patients with chronic tension headaches.
7. It Eases Muscle Pain
Got sore muscles? Massage therapy can help. Massage increases and improves circulation. Just like rubbing your elbow when you knock it on a table helps to relieve the pain.Massage therapy is as effective as other methods of treatment for chronic back pain.
8. Reduce Fatigue
Massage therapy is known to boost mood and promote better quality sleep, thus making you feel more rested and less worn-out at the end of the day.
9. It Soothes Anxiety And Depression
Human touch, in a context that is safe, friendly and professional, can be incredibly therapeutic and relaxing. Massage therapy can help to release endorphins in your body, helping you to feel happy, energized, and at ease
10. It Boosts Immunity
Massage boosts patients’ white blood cell count (which plays a large role in defending the body from disease). Additionally, it also improves immune function for individuals with HIV.