Anele Mdoda Shares Her Wildest Uber Experiences

Anele Mdoda Shares Her Wildest Uber Experiences. Uber stories differ from one person to the next. One can get the best ride and another, the most horrific. Media personality Anele Mdoda also has had interesting Uber rides. She shared her wildest experiences ever.
In Durban, I requested an Uber. It arrived. We checked the registration number and everything, we get inside he cancels and says he is Taxify now can we please get out.
— Anele Mdoda (@Anele) October 3, 2018
Uber guy swore and threatened to hit me because he had been eaves dropping on my phone call and in the call I said I am Anele and on the app I am Zintathu and yena he wants a selfie with Anele. Literally got violent.
— Anele Mdoda (@Anele) October 3, 2018