
10 Signs Its Time To Take Your Relationship To The Next Level

10 Signs Its Time To Take Your Relationship To The Next Level. Television shows like Top Billing and Our Perfect Wedding make most of us want to get married. Being ready and ripe for marriage is another thing though, as marriage is meant to be a lifetime decision. There’s no perfect way of knowing if you’re ready for marriage. For some it takes years to reach a conclusion, while others are pretty sure within months of courtship. Consider the following subtle signs hinting that you may just be ready to walk down the aisle.

1. Visualizing The Future

You cannot imagine your life without your partner. When you visualize the future, you see your partner as an important part of it, you dream of having a family with him or her and doing things together in the future, and you like the sound of that!

2. Long Term Plans

If you’re comfortable making long term plans, such as leasing an apartment, with your partner without a hint of doubt and are confident that you can face challenges together then marriage could be closer than you think.

3. Complete Trust

You’ve got over the initial anxieties about your relationship. No more second thoughts of where it’s headed or if there’s someone else out there for you. If you’ve reached a stage where you trust each other completely then you’re probably ready for the big jump.

4. Your Heart Says “Go” 

When your heart feels at peace about being married, why not go for it?  You may still be nervous, but deep down you recognize that you are well-equipped for the adventure of marriage. It is a gut feeling and instinct that only you have about what’s next for your relationship. 

5. Saying “I’m sorry” Is Easy

When you can truthfully and authentically say, “I’m sorry,” you’ll have a skill that’s needed in a long-term marriage. It can be so simple. Yet, why is it so hard to say you’re sorry? If you cannot say it, you may be destined for divorce if you decide to marry anyway. That’s the reality. Think again if you believe apologizing gives away your powerit’s quite the opposite. 

6. You’ve Learned How To Be Transparent

When you are transparent it means that all your cards are on the table. Nothing is withheld. You can talk with your future husband or wife about anything: kids, cleanliness, money, sex, travel, dreams, work, family, politics and religion. Until you can easily disclose your true feelings about these subjects, just remain dating. 

7. Compromise

You’ve stopped living in a bubble thinking that marriage will solve all the persisting issues in your relationship. Rather, you’ve started to realize that you both will always have to work out your problems and reach an amicable solution. That’s a strong sign.

8. Comfortable With Imperfections

The number of years you’ve been together shouldn’t be a reason to get married. However, if over the years you’ve become comfortable with your partner’s silly imperfections, dreams and life choices then you could be ready for a commitment of a lifetime.

9. You Are Mature

You are at least 25 years old. It’s generally believed that once you hit the quarter mark you are mature enough to take an informed decision. It also means you are over the bloom of youth.

10. You Have Wedding Interest

If you have started looking at and admiring people’s engagement rings or wedding bands, randomly stopping in front of wedding studios, and flipping through wedding magazines, you are definitely inclined toward taking the plunge soon.

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