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Trevor Noah Shares What Helped Him Come To Terms With Depression

To overcome a problem, you first have to admit that you have one. Comedian Trevor Noah who has admitted that he is suffering from depression has revealed what has helped him to come to terms with his condition. He didn’t know he was suffering from depression until Jim Carrey opened up about his own mental health struggles..

After he heard fellow comedian Jim Carrey discussing his own struggles, Trevor Noah then came to terms with the fact that he suffered from the mental illness. Speaking at the Just For Laughs comedy festival in Montreal, he mentioned that Jim Carrey was one of the first comedians that described the beast that many of us face in this room and that’s depression.

“I didn’t know what that thing was. I just thought I liked sleeping for weeks on end sometimes, and then I read Carrey’s story and I was like, ‘Oh s**t, that’s what’s going on,’ and I thank you because, you know, I found a way to fight it. I found a way to build a community and that’s what this place is, it’s a community of people trying to do something,” he said.

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