Celeb News

iFani Says Guys Should Also Ask For Female Blessers

Everyone has been talking about so-called blessers and even celebrities are weighing in on this trending topic.  This morning, rapper iFani shared his two cents and by the looks of thing, it seems that he doesn’t have a problem with the concept of blessers. Ifani does not only support idea but he went on to twitter to encourage men to also look for female blessers. He says that “Not all blessers are male”. This statement raised our eyebrows and we have only one question in our minds, which is, “Are you speaking from experience iFani? “.


The “blesser” phenomenon has gone viral, with many young women looking for men to sponsor their expensive lifestyles. But iFani suggests equality and says there’s nothing wrong with men who have female blessers.

Read his tweets below….

It’s not a sin to be a male blessee.

ifani blesser

Ask and you shall receive.

ifani bleser1

Miracles happen guys.

ifani blesser2

What do you think about iFani’s statement guys? Do you agree?

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