
You Can Use Your iPhone As A Scale To Weigh Things!

Apple is well known for it’s subjective, and sometimes harsh, App Store decision- making process. In terms of digital scale apps, the company’s refusal to accept them could be over concerns that people will damage their devices  by placing things on the screens, or the possibility that digital scale apps may be used for weighing drugs.


So yes, you can turn an iPhone 6S into a working digital scale. But you can’t do that now as Apple urges people not to right now. Apple doesn’t want you weighing things with your iPhone just yet!

Ryan McLeod, the brains behind an iPhone 6s app called Gravity, wrote that Apple actually took issue with the concept of scale apps per se, deeming such apps inappropriate for the App Store. On the other hand, the App Store is home to dozens or so scale apps, most of which are prank apps, really designed “for entertainment purposes only.”

The developer believes that Apple might have rejected his app from the store for claiming it was a real working scale.

Check out the scale in action below……

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