
10 Jobs That Will Make Yours Look Like a Dream Job

Not happy about your job? Think your job is the worst job in the world? If you answered yes then maybe you should take a look at these top 10 worst jobs in the world. Whatever you think of, yours is probably not as bad as the following jobs……

worst jobs

1.  Portable Toilet Cleaner

Usually cleaning one portable toilet takes only a few minutes., and most workers clean from 10 to 60 of them a day. But it’s not always that easy: Portable toilets that tip over require more damage control.

2. Sewers Cleaner

Nothing to say, these guys earn 100 dollars monthly for cleaning sewage. Think of them when it seems to you that you are not appreciated on your job. At least, you don’t have to dive in dirty water to earn your living.

3. Road kill remover

Roadkill collectors not only have the job of peeling the remains of dead creatures off the road, but they also have to do it while braving oncoming traffic.

4. Manure inspector

Animal manure is an important natural fertilizer, but first it has to be checked for contaminants like E.coli and salmonella. That’s where manure inspectors come in, not only do they get to search for bacteria that causes bloody diarrhea if ingested, they also have to wade through tons of animal waste.

5.  Mosquito researcher

Scientists fighting malaria must study the biting habits of the mosquito that spreads it. Do you often complain about mosquitoes? Think twice before you are going to do it the next time. There are people who let malaria mosquitoes bite them for the sake of science.

6. Odor tester

Your everyday morning routine will never be the same. Every time you take a deodorant you will think of these ladies who do their best for you not to be disappointed with it. Definitely not the job of anyone’s dream.

7. Cremator

Some people prefer being cremated and if you like setting things on fire, then this is the perfect job. However, the idea of being responsible for burning a human body is not so great.

8.  Crocodile feeder

This animal is definitely not your little kitty. It won’t look at you with his big cute eyes, if you forget to feed it. A crocodile just will eat you instead, and will be right. You have to work properly, no matter what kind of job you have.

9. Counting Fish

You are not mistaken! There exist guys, who every day, from April to October, come to a bank of a river and count salmons. They wait for them to appear, and then press a button on a device. Very boring. No doubt, they will never be able to eat fish anymore.

10. Plumber

The moment when you thank God for your office job is when you see something like this. This man could have drowned in tears, but he is a real expert of his job, and there is no place for emotions for him. So let’s hope he won’t literally drown in whatever this water contains.

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