Dept. of Home Affairs Learnerships 2016

As a way of responding t o the realities and the challenges associated with the 21 st century, addressing some of the skills that have been identified as critical in the Department as well as those skills relevant and necessary for 21 st century organisations to operate more efficiently, the Department of Home Affairs has introduced the Cadet Programme / Learnership. This Learnership is one of the many youth empowerment initiatives that support the National Development Plan’s idea of formalised recruitment schemes that through theoretical training and experiential learning afford unemployed graduate youth in South Africa the opportunity to gain skills, knowledge and experience whilst at the same time, positioning themselves for active and meaningful participation in the labour market.
Qualifying learners and aspiring Public Servants who are technologically savvy, patriotic, security conscious and share in this dynamic Department’s vision of a safe, secure South Africa where all its people are proud of, and value, their identity and citizenship, are encouraged to apply for enrollment on this very prestigious and enriching cadet / learnership programme.
• South African citizens only, aged between 18 and 35 years
• Patriotic
• A 3-year National Diploma / Degree or an equivalent NQF Level 7 qualification in any of the fields of study listed below
• Good academic record
• No criminal record
• Basic computer literacy
• Positive attitude
• Willingness to learn and grow
• Ethical conduct
• Honesty and integrity
• Customer service orientation
• Learning potential
• Good communication skills. Graduates in the following fields who come from previously disadvantaged communities as well as people living with disabilities are encouraged to apply:
Applications should be made on the signed and dated CLICK HERE TO DOWNLOAD THE Z83 FORM, obtainable from any Public Service Department or Government website, and accompanied by a comprehensive CV as well as certified copies of all qualifications and Identification Document • Should any applicant be in possession of a foreign qualification, it must be accompanied by an evaluation certificate from SAQA • Applications without certified required documents will not be considered • Candidates will be required to undergo pre-employment psychometric assessments, criminal and qualification checks • Successful candidates will be offered a 18-month contract with structured on-the-job learning • Home Affairs operates nationally, and successful Cadets must be willing and prepared to travel and operate on irregular schedules as from time to time, as part of their experiential learning, they will be deployed in some of Department’s offices throughout the country as well as in some of the Ports of Entry.
How To Apply
Quoting the relevant reference number (Ref. HRMC 78 / 15 / 1), direct your application and all supporting documents by the closing date to the Department of Home Affairs Head Office, Private Bag X114, Pretoria 0001 or hand deliver at Hallmark Building, 230 Johannes Ramokhoase (Proes) Street, cnr Thabo Sehume Andries, Pretoria.
Enquiries: Ms F Kwape, tel. (012) 406-4258 or Mr J Modipa, tel. (012) 406-4243
Duration: 18 Months
Stipend: R5000
Closing Date: 11 September 2015