10 Fun Things To Do During Load Shedding
When load shedding hits, we all know that there is no time to complain because doing so won’t help anyway. Below is a list of things to do when you’re plunged into blackness and ways to cope when our trusted energy supplier throws us back into the Stone Age. They’re not going to bring our right to light back, but at the very least, these suggestions might just save your sanity.
1. Have a Braai
Look at this as a chance to get your friends and/or family together. So, invite a few people over for a braai session. You can call for a bring and braai too. Trust me, this will be fun.
2. Bond with family
Families that come together and share positive experiences build strong family relationships. This is fading so much especially in these modern times. Now you can thank eskom for making this possible.
3. Meditate
If stress has you anxious, tense and worried, consider trying meditation. Spending even a few minutes in meditation can restore your calm and inner peace. Load shedding won’t be such a big deal to you, get it?
4. Play board games
You may not believe it or want to believe it but before real television and computer games, there were board games. Monopoly was an all time favorite, as well as Master Mind, Snake and Ladder, 30 Seconds, Scrabble, Draft and so many more.
5. Read a book
This will take your mind off the load shedding problem. Reading will improve your imagination. Isn’t this great?
6. Sit outside and look at the stars
Do you ever just sit outside at night, look up at the stars, and know basically nothing about the world you live in?
7. Reflect on your life or everything
No matter at what hour you are without electricity, day or night, you can reflect on your life, past, present or future. Have you reached you goals or are you still striving towards them? What needs to happen for you to get there?
8. Do something creative
Start a project like scrapbooking, and use the time during load shedding to get creative. At least then you’ll have something beautiful – and constructive – to show for it!
9. Listen to nature sounds
When was the last time you too the time to listen to nature. When was the last time you paused to listen as a bird tweeted, or to the soft ripple of a brook, or the rustle of the evening breeze through leaves, or just the whoosh of a sudden gust of wind? So why not when load shedding strikes?
10. Do a little spring cleaning
Doing this will keep your mind completely off and it will keep you busy. It will also benefit you big time!