
5 Worst Apps For Your Phone

These days, it doesn’t take time before a new Smartphone is introduced. There’s a lot of competition and that might be the reason why some of the upgrades end up creating problems rather than making your life easier. More apps are added from the previous version, this too has a downside to it , either the apps drains too much battery, uses a lot of data or just hurts your phone’s overall performance.

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These are the worst apps for your phone.

1. Facebook
Facebook drains battery as soon as you start up your phone; it takes lot of storage and affects the overall performance of your phone.

2. Tumblr
Tumblr is one of the top traffic hogs on your phone and also uses a lot of data.

3. OLX free classifieds
Although you install it yourself, as soon as it’s installed it uses a lot of battery and is a traffic hog.

4. Spotify music
Has high data traffic and affects overall phone performance.

5. Instagram
Instagram uses a lot of data and it slows down the performance of your phone

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