5 Things Interviewers Really Want From You During An Interview

Ever wondered what goes through the hiring manager’s head when you’re being interviewed? Sometimes it can be very stressful when you are sitting at that quiet room during an interview wondering if you doing everything good to impress your interviewer. Many questions could be flooding in your mind and at the same time, all you could be thinking of is getting over and done with it.
Next time when you head off to your next interview, keep in mind the following things that your next “employer” could be expecting from you.
1. They really want you to stand out
One common piece of advice is to “take charge” of the interview. “The reality is that the interviewer is in control. Your job is to be as helpful as you can.” First impressions matter. Lees points to psychological research that shows that people form opinions about your personality and intelligence in the first 30 seconds of the interview.
2. They don’t want you to stand out for being negative
Never forget that an interview is like a first date. We know we’re seeing the best possible version of “you.” So if you whine and complain and grumble now… we know you’ll be a real treat to work with a few months from when the honeymoon is over.
3. Don’t start by telling them how much you want the job
No matter how much research you’ve done, you can’t truly know you want the job until you know everything possible about the job. (One good way to know you really want the job is to ask really smart questions.
4. They want you to ask questions that are truly important to you
You need to ask the right questions: what is expect for you to accomplish early on, what attributes make their top performers outstanding, what you can do to truly drive results, how you’ll be evaluated – all the things that matter to you… and as a result to the employer.
5. They get impressed when you show you can hit the ground running
To really impress your interviewers, use the research you’ve done to describe how you will hit the ground running and contribute right away – the bigger the impact the better. If you bring a specific skill, show how we can immediately leverage that skill.