
Top 10 Sexiest Local Movember Moustaches

Movember (a portmanteau from the Australian-English diminutive word for “moustache”, “mo”, and “November”) is an annual event involving the growing of moustaches during the month of November to raise awareness of men’s health issues, such as prostate cancer and other male cancers, and associated charities. The Movember Foundation runs the Movember charity event, housed at Movember.com.

The goal of Movember is to “change the face of men’s health.”

By encouraging men (who the charity refers to as “Mo Bros”) to get involved, Movember aims to increase early cancer detection, diagnosis and effective treatments, and ultimately reduce the number of preventable deaths. Besides annual check-ups, the Movember Foundation encourages men to be aware of family history of cancer and to adopt a healthier lifestyle.

So I had a really hard time trying to decide who from our local celebrity men has the sexiest moustache or beard…

Damn these men are sexy…any way below is a list of  The Top 10 Sexiest Local Movember Moustaches


10. OkMalumKoolKat

okmalum Youth Village Moustache


Oh you didn’t release the Lord King has a young moustache going? Well he does and it kinda looks sexy on him, you’d be lying if you disagreed!

9. Cassper Nyovest

cassper nyovest Youth Village Moustache

If it’s not his music that got you loving him, it’s his personality, if not that then it’s Cassper’s chubby checks but this time around he’s not on our list for being one of the top rappers in SA Cassper’s beard makes him more sexy than it does cute not saying he’s not cute though but damn look at that face…

8. Black Coffee

black coffee Youth Village Moustache

The mister that keeps us dancing…maybe his facial charm is what gets the girls to all of a sudden become expert house fans!…#WeAintJudging…

7. AKA


Kiernan, Kiernan, Kiernan…the guy looks sexy no doubt, rough may not always be the answer but this time around it works well and just looks so damn sexy on!


6. Ziyon

Ziyon Youth Village Moustache

Ziyon’s voice and chill gives him the cup for sexy but this time around he’s on this list for his facial game. Step aside boys, this field is for the men…

5. Robin Brink

Robin Brink Youth Village Moustache

Yes, The Beatenberg boys can do sexy too…there’s just something about Robin’s beard that steps his game up a nudge from cute to just plain out sexy.

4. Maps Maponyane

Maps Maponyane Youth Village Moustache

His body game is not the only thing that this man keeps on point…We honestly think he won sexiest man because of his face really, taking his shirt off had nothing to do with it…the judging panel knows the truth.

3. Janez Vermeiren

Janez Vermeiren Youth Village Moustache

Yes Janez the presenter is pretty sexy too with his top off or one he can still bag any lady he wants, but unfortunately he’s off limits ladies.


2. RikyRick

Riky Rick Youth Village Moustache

#BossZonke…#CavaTheFace…#CavaTheCut…He’s just simply the best and stays winning…Rap game on 100…Swag game 100…Facial play on point!

1. Aidan Bennetts

aidan bennetts Youth Village Moustache

I’d break something everyday in my house just to stare at him while he fixes it. Nothing creepy about that, right? Just admiring the sexy that is his facial hair!


So what do you think of our list ladies? Yes?…No?…Maybe?…Damn Sexy??!!…

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