
SARS: Fine Arts Bursary Programme 2015

Bank offers an annual art scholarship to a final year Fine Art student at a university or university of technology in Gauteng Province, South Africa.

Details of scholarship:

The art scholarship is open to students who will be entering the final year of an undergraduate Fine Art degree in 2015.

The scholarship is open to students registered at a university or university of technology in the Gauteng Province.

The value of the art scholarship is R50 000.

As part of the art scholarship, the student will participate in a mentorship programme and will be expected to donate one artwork from his or her graduate show to the Bank.

How to submit your application:

The deadline for submission is .

Selection process:

  1. Applicants will be shortlisted based on artwork submitted, artist statement and academic results.
  2. Shortlisted applicants will be interviewed at the Bank’s Head Office in Pretoria.
  3. The successful candidate will be notified after submission of final 2014 results and proof of registration for 2015.

How to Apply

Documentation to be submitted:

  1. Application form:
  2. Photographic reproductions of 3 to 5 artworks
  3. Artist statement (maximum 300 words about yourself, your art, why you think you should receive this scholarship and your need for financial support)
  4. Full academic transcript to mid-2014
  5. A certified copy of your South African identity document (all applicants must be South African citizens).

Submit the required information electronically to the following email address: [email protected] .

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