
Reasons Why You Should Go On A Roadtrip!


The best times with friends and family are the times we spend on the road or on holiday. Memories made a couple of bones broken but at the end of the day it was all worthwhile and then everyone goes back to the reality of “living”.

The fastest mode of traveling may be by plane yes, but we all know that this form of transport will never be the cheapest for most of us.

Best way to make travelling funny and to gain the best memories from it is to take a roadtrip and when we say roadtrip we don’t mean travel from one destination to another, settle there and then come back a week later or so. No, when we talk about a roadtrip we mean leave your province go to the next province then the next province and maybe even a third or fourth, a fifth or ninth won’t kill anybody.

Once in your life you should take the time to explore the beauty that is your country. Leave the comfort of knowing your province in and out and get into the vibe of being exposed to the bigger picture, the bigger South Africa.

Getting in touch with nature

Lol well this is something that nit every girl will enjoy. Roadtrips may sometimes entail that you need to become a happy camper for a night or two, share your sheets with the ants of the “wild”.

Getting to know your friends

You tend to learn more about your friends when you go on a roadtrip together. Learn eachothers differences, likes and dislikes and basically everything!! I mean you wake up together next to eachother, contaminate the bathroom together. Roadtrips just gives you the chance to understand why you are friends with the people you call “friends”.

Site Seeing

South Africa is really bigger than the Rhino shaped map we see on a huge piece of paper. When you go on a roadtrip you learn more about those places and you learn how to appreciate them more, its that simple the more you see of our beautiful country the more you want to see and the more you appreciate it’s landmarks and unique features.

 Total flexibility

One of the most obvious reasons why you should travel by car is that you are 100 per cent more flexible. No timetables, no schedules, no nothing. You can do whatever you want and feel like doing. And even better, you don’t need to plan where you are going.


You can be more spontaneous

One of these two options will happen on your road trip:

You are driving and one of your passengers reads a sign or sees something in the distance and desperately wants to check it out!

You meet fellow travellers who tell you of awesome places that you didn’t plan on visiting!

What now? Be spontaneous and take this detour. Remember you have total flexibility and no schedule to follow. Maybe you won’t sleep in the town you were thinking of crashing tonight. But who cares? It’s not like somebody was waiting for you there. Instead of driving east you are now driving south!


Listening to awesome road trip music

Know all these scenes from movies where people listen to fun music and dance and sing while driving and seem to have a blast? When you are traveling with really good friends, who are as crazy as you and love the same music it is exactly like that. So pick the right people, select the right music and start that engine!!!


Catch up

Remember when you were a kid and had all the time in your life with your friends. Now, all grown up, you have to go to work and have many responsibilities during your day that you almost never have time to hang out with your friends? You wish you had a life like the guys from “How I Met Your Mother” and would meet them all the time but reality is that you get to see them once or twice a week. When is the last time you really had time for your friends and really caught up? Use a road trip to talk about everything that you also used to share when you were kids. Something got lost in the transition from teenagers to adults. Catch up!


The journey is the destination, a road trip is an adventure!

When going on road trips try to not plan. It’s about the road tripping experience. Try to avoid all the “Are we there yet?” It’s about all the fun breaks, the pranks, the landscapes, the chats… simply everything! Try to enjoy the trip and don’t worry about things that were in the past and that are waiting down the road. It’s about the moment! It’s about you! It’s about everything and nothing!



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