
10 Things You Can Do To Make The World A Better Place

A random act of kindness is something that we have all heard about or even done. These actions are in the same vein as “pay it forward”. Though the idea of changing the world can be daunting. It is not only easy but understandable to think, I’m only one person; what can I really do? However, if every person thinks that, nothing will get done.


1. Turn off the lights, turn off the water. Unplug your devices when not in use

Admittedly, this is one I am still in the process of learning myself, but in a world where we are running out of resources almost as fast as we can identify them, unplugging our appliances at night saves an incredible amount of power (phantom power accounts for 10 percent of all household energy outputs). If you turn your shower off while you’re shaving, or letting your conditioner set, you can save a lot of water. Think about what that can add up to.

2. Make one day in your week a completely offline one

No devices, no phones, no Internet, no TV. Breathe into the emptiness that’s left over. This is what we run from, a lot of the time: the slight discomfort with being ourselves and all those questions we have about who we are and why we’re here. That discomfort is the stuff of growth. Lean into it.

3. Every day you wake up, be grateful

It is a miracle that we are all here—think about all the things that had to be in sync for us to become the crazy beautiful creatures that we all are. Life is by no means easy, and lots of things happen that we can’t foresee, but we are here to learn, and be bruised, and return to being real.

4. Give. Stuff. Away.

Although your hording habits aren’t as bad as the ones we see on TV, we all have that inner hoarder who does not want to let go. As much as you may want to keep everything that you’ve accumulated, other people may be in need of the items you’re holding onto. While we know that many organizations take clothing, others take things like gently used toiletries, your contribution could help too.

5. Plant a (bee-friendly) garden

Even if you don’t want to help pollinate plants, your own garden can give you vegetables, herbs, and fruit to eat and is just a good alternative to buying from a supermarket. If you don’t have the space for a garden, yet this idea interests you, you could try community garden or plot sharing. Your alternatives? Lavender, Sage and Rose.

6. Put our money where our mouths are

Places like Forever 21, Joe Fresh and Woolies are corporations who have proven time and time again that they don’t care about fair workers’ wages, working conditions, or ethical sourcing. There are options to all of them—buying second hand clothing, or going to locally owned businesses. People have a misconception that a few Rands here and there won’t make much of a difference, but it matters to the people who have put their entire lives into their businesses.

7. Turn the TV off

Not forever but a break from time to time is great. Some TV is great. But how much time we as a society spend in front of our shows to relax, to unwind, for entertainment matters. Think of what we might do if we were able to stay off the boob tube for an hour less a week. Give it a shot, when you think about it, there’s not much to miss.

8. Share a meal

Making a meal for, and breaking bread with someone, is an intimate way of getting to know people, and it fosters a deep-running sense of community. Invite a friend over for dinner, host a monthly potluck or even better, feed the homeless.

9. Clean our space

We are all a part of this world. For instance, our bedrooms were a reflection of our mental space, and I am inclined to agree with her. Cleaning our spaces helps us feel that much lighter. See what you are able to do from that refreshed space. Honour yourself and your own surroundings just as you would someone else’s.

10. Adopt a rescue

If you’re ready to get a pet, and have thought about all the variables, please consider adopting from a rescue agency. Don’t forget that rescue agencies often have different kinds of animals other than cats and dogs, (like rabbits, or hamsters, or lizards) which can be even more difficult to find homes for. If the time is right, consider directly saving a life.


Earth love

Mbali Radebe


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