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Bahumi Opens Up More About Her Lymphoedema and How She Copes With the Pain

Bahumi Opens Up More About Her Lymphoedema and How She Copes With the Pain. Bahumi Mhlongo suffers from lymphoedema, a condition that causes swelling in the body’s tissues. It can affect any part of the body, in Bahumi’s case, it’s on her leg.

A number of times the reality show star and actress has opened up about her chronic condition. This time around, she is touching on the physical pain she goes through, and her coping mechanisms. As someone who has always had her pain minimized growing up, Bahumi doesn’t say much, when she is going through the most even now. She avoids being a pain to others, and just dies inside.

Another thing, Bahumi is a woman of strong faith, which helps her deal with the most. She also put focus on the positive things and blessings in her life.

To the posts I resist to post, but Will if they’ll help even one person. Here’s a foot post for all you who hate feet.

Today, the discomfort— turned pain, in my leg, was severe… doing the best I can as we speak.

I was diagnosed with lymphoedema over a decade ago for those who don’t know (look it up), but, in all the resistance to breakdown today, here’s what I considered:

1. In the moments I felt this pain, I kept quiet about it. There’s a trauma response I’ve had trouble breaking with regards to my leg (amongst other things) and it’s this: pretending to be fine when I most certainly was not. Minimizing the effects of the pain I felt to avoid ‘being’ a pain to others. Because my pains were minimized as I grew, I developed a very toxic yet often celebrated coping mechanism. You neglect your body’s cry for help (or whatever cry for that matter) to people please; sometimes, to prioritize what seems ‘more important’ at the time, you’re not your own Doctor. If God brings to attention your health— emotionally, mentally, and physically, you shouldn’t feel bad/responsible for addressing your well-being. Take heed. Seek help.

2. God’s grace is sufficient. I felt the pain, the frustration, the battle to ‘keep positive’ (which is another story for another day..), but He really sees us. It’s easy to ask Him Q’s like ‘why me… why would you if you love me?’ It’s okay to ask that really, through His grace, He answers that sometimes, but after all the cute answers I’ve heard here’s what I’ve partially come to: HE is my healer, my faith is in HIM. His time, His way, His grace, His direction, His love. He is working on my faith, but one thing won’t be shaken: my faith in His Being and loving Presence in my life.

3. Gratitude. Be grateful for the rain, for the shelter, for the legs, for the sight, for the rest, for life… we all have things we’re struggling with, they ought to draw us to humility if you ask me, but just be grateful for what you have, and allow God’s grace for what you don’t. It’s all by the grace of God anyways.

4. Pedicure appointment calling 📞

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” Bahumi said.

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