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Katlego Danke Has A Beautiful Message for Fellow Mothers Out There

Katlego Danke Has A Beautiful Message for Fellow Mothers Out There. To most mothers, motherhood is such a beautiful experience. It is all about raising and celebrating the child you have. Watching them grow is such a surreal moment.

Having noted that though, it does have its challenges. Taking care of someone can be daunting, as it requires a lot from you. If that’s the case with you, do not despair, as many people out there understand and empathize. Katlego Danke, a proud mother of two has just taken to Instagram, sending love to struggling mothers out there.

The award winning actress, totally understands the sacrifices mothers make in raising their children. She assured mothers that in whatever they are going through, they are seen. Katlego also emphasized the importance of mothers taking care of themselves, as they also matter. The message means a lot, as it comes from someone who knows the situation very well.

“I’m literally just sending love to all mommies out there. I know you’re burning the candle at both ends just to be there for your babies.. I know it’s tough and you’re tired and sometimes we don’t realize it until the body tells you “ENOUGH”! And by then sometimes it’s too late cos your brain can’t cope anymore.. I see you. I am you. Let’s just take better care of ourselves too. We matter too. And to be honest nothing would happen without you. So everyone needs you to be alright. It’s ok to love you too. #lookscanbedeceiving #exhausted #enough #burnout #momlife #hanginginthere #KatlegoDanke,” Katlego said.

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