BusinessInspirational Stories

Inspirational Interview With Head of Barloworld Equipment’s Sale and Business Development Joe Mushwana

Inspirational Interview With Head of Barloworld Equipment’s Sale and Business Development Joe Mushwana. One of his greatest achievement is completing his MBA at the tender age of 29. Joe Mushwana continues to make himself proud as he recently made it in the Mail & Guardian 200 Young South Africans Class of 2024.

We recently caught up with Mushwana and he opened up about his current position as head of Barloworld Equipment’s sale and business development. He also shared sound advice to anyone who wants to explore the world of sales.

1. What drew you into sales and business development?

My love for people. I’m a person that thrives on human interaction, problem-solving, and a fast-paced work environments so I naturally gravitated towards sales. 

2. Can you tell us about what you do at Barloworld Equipment?

I’m currently looking after the sales and business development for the business. Steering Barloworld Equipment’s sales and business development, my focus is on crafting strategies that deliver profitable growth.

3. What do you enjoy most about working in sales?

Selling is all about helping people and companies achieve their dreams. I think I most enjoy that moment where I can actually identify a problem where I know the solution will help. Forgetting about commissions, quotas, goals, revenue. Just simply problem-solving.

4. How has technology changed the way you do sales and marketing?

Technology has changed sales techniques significantly, we are able to be closer to our customers, anticipate their needs and be able to meet them at their pain points and come up with solid that are tailored made for their unique business needs. Also, today’s sales representatives use a set of tools and effective communication systems to manage leads which has made business continuity possible. 

5. What new sales tools or marketing ideas are you excited about?

The future of sales and marketing is an exhilarating blend of technology, strategy, and innovation. Personalization, AI, and the metaverse are not just trends but the new reality. Businesses that adapt and embrace these changes will thrive in this dynamic new era. The transition to a digital-first business environment is not optional; it is imperative. To stay relevant, sales teams must embrace this change, leveraging new technologies and strategies. It is about being proactive, not reactive, in the face of evolving consumer preferences.

6. Can you share a time when a new sales idea worked really well?

Oh wow, I have too many to share. But all my successes in sales have been centered around being service driven and customer centric. Adapt Your Sales Process to What the Customer Needs and not what you think it should be. 

7. How do you keep up with the latest sales trends and changes?

Read all you can about your industry, your market, and the world in general. Regularly keep up with industry trade publications and websites. 

8. What is the hardest part of adding new sales tools or strategies to your work?

ADAPTATION! Its always difficult at first to get the buy in from both internal and external customers, but once they see the benefits and how these tools can actually reduce flow time and remove bottlenecks, the usage improves almost immediately. 

9. How do you keep your sales team motivated and on track?

First and foremost, I prioritize the emotional and mental well-being of my team. Yeah, we talk about metrics, figures, and quotas. But when it comes to sales success, there is really one factor that dwarfs all the rest: “Emotion.” I also empower and motivate, I lead from the front, I would never instruct any of my team members to do anything that I have not done or would not do. 

10. What advice would you give someone who wants to work in sales?

Go for it, life is too short to not follow your passion. The Beauty of sales and marketing are they are both very useful skills in life. Everything in life is sales! We constantly sell and market

11. What do you like to do when you are not working to relax?

I’m either at the gym or spending time with my son and wife.

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