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Heartwarming Response From Gayton McKenzie After David Kau Apologized to Him

Heartwarming Response From Gayton McKenzie After David Kau Apologized to Him. A few days back, David Kau took to X (Twitter) asking Gayton McKenzie to meet up with stand up comedians. His approach however, was not received well by tweeps, including the Minister himself.

Do we have to be in the Olympics or die before we Stand up Comedians can meet you @GaytonMcK? We know we’re not recognized or there’s no category for us although we have employed hundreds of people without any government Assistance but would appreciate a meeting please. Please advice who to contact to have a meeting with you. I will go on a run walk with you and spin cars – whatever it takes. Guys pls RT until Minister replies,” Kau said.

McKenzie however, was not happy with the approach. He shared how he has supported stand up comedians in the past. He however promised to come through for comedians.

Kau has once again addressed the Minister, this time around apologizing. The award winning comedian and TV personality is sorry for his first approach, and commended the Minister for all the work he has done so far.

“Dear Minister @GaytonMcK.”

I apologize unreservedly to you. I could have and should have used a better approach to bring whatever issues the Comedy industry is facing and follow the right channels. I did not mean to insinuate or give the wrong and negative impression about your role that my tweet has created. The proof of the work you have done in such a short space of time is there for people to see. I’m embarrassed to have caused you such unnecessary negativity. Please accept my apology,” Kau said.

How heartwarming it was, for McKenzie to accept the apology, and continue pledging his support to the industry.

Thanks for apologizing, I have the utmost love and respect for you and your craft. I’m excited about the changes that we will bring about with the help of people like you who has passion and compassion for comedians. Apology accepted wholeheartedly. Let’s make magic,” McKenzie said.

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