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10 Ways to Beat the Cold Front

10 Ways to Beat the Cold Front. This is the coldest week by far in South Africa. As temperatures continue to drop, it’s important to stay protected. This is because cold weather can affect your body’s ability to fight off viruses and infections. By keeping warm, you can help yourself stay well this winter. Check out the following tips.

1. Dress Warmly

This is the best way to keep warm during cold weathers. Regardless of you being indoors or having a heater, you still need to wear warm clothes. It’s advisable to wear thermal clothing, jerseys and closed shoes and cover up exposed skin to reduce the risk of hypothermia.

2. Layer Yourself

Don’t just rely on a warm jacket or gown, but, rather, layer your clothing while inside the home. Not only will this keep you warmer but will also allow you to take layers off should you get too warm

3. Invest In A Heater

If you don’t have a fireplace, a heater will do. This will help keep the house or office warm. It’s important to make sure your heating is safe and your house or workplace is properly ventilated, to reduce the risk of carbon monoxide poisoning.

4. Drink Warm Drinks Regularly

Keep your body warm by consuming warm drinks, every couple of hours. These includes tea, coffee, and soups. By so doing you keep warm inside, thus kicking the winter blues away.

5. Eat Well

A healthy balanced diet will help keep you warm and healthy in the winter. Make sure you and your family eat at least one hot meal a day like soup which is nutritious, keeps you warm and is inexpensive to make or buy.

6. Invest In A Hot Water Bottle

Fill water bottles with boiling water and the heat should last you a couple of hours. Children, however, should not be left to use hot water bottles unsupervised. An alternative is to make use of bean bags that can be warmed in the microwave

7. Stay Active

Staying active is good for your health. Walking, for example, can be good for you. If the weather prevents you getting outside, stay active indoors by catching up on all the household tasks you’ve been putting off.

8. Limit Your Time Outdoors

If there is no need for you to be outside, kindly stay indoors. Close windows and even use thicker curtains in the winter evenings to keep in the heat. However, if circumstances force you to be outdoors, make sure you are dressed warmly.

9. Know Your Loadshedding Schedule

Stay informed about the latest loadshedding schedules in your area. This will help you cook warm meals, and bath while the power is on. Prepare for the outages by boiling water beforehand and storing it in flasks.

10. Stay in Touch

Stay in contact with friends and family, especially if you’ve been stuck in the house for a few days. If you have elderly relatives or neighbors who might need help, check up on them.

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