Faith Mangope Calls Out Politicians On Fear Mongering, Kissing Babies, Doing Washing, Among Other Strategies

Faith Mangope Calls Out Politicians On Fear Mongering, Kissing Babies, Doing Washing, Among Other Strategies. The 2024 general elections are just around the corner, and political parties are campaigning rigorously. From house to house, bill boards, posters, ads on TV and other mediums, they are all hands on deck.
On social media there are videos and pictures of many politicians visiting voters at their homes, or places of business. Upon arrival, they make themselves useful by helping with some chores like cooking and laundry. Some politicians also help citizens running small business, by attending to their customers and so forth. All of this is documented and shared online.
Not so many people are buying what these politicians are doing, and one such is Faith Mangope. The renowned broadcaster, businesswoman and philanthropist calls this the silly season, where the prize is the vote. She urged politicians to try do better that instilling fear, helping with all sorts of chores, and all those other tactics. This according to Faith makes them look all desperate.
“Dear political parties, we get that it’s silly season, the prize is the vote. But surely political strategy should now move beyond fear mongering, kissing babies, doing washing, threatening the withdrawal of policy, desecrating national symbolism. South Africans are not that ignorant nor are they that gullible. You look desperate, stop,” Faith said.