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Redi Tlhabi Excited for Her Girls As They Start New School Abroad

Redi Tlhabi Excited for Her Girls As They Start New School Abroad. These are some of the perks of having a parent whose job takes them around the world. You also get to see the world, and in some instances relocate to better places.

This kind of privilege is being enjoyed by Redi Tlhabi’s daughters. A year ago, their mom joined the BBC News World, where she presents global news, current affairs including conducting compelling interviews. This cool job sees Redi living the life traveling the world. As she is a mom, raising young kids, she has taken the decision to move with them.

Today, the young girls were starting their first day at a new school, and it was all exciting for the family. The seasoned media personality, journalist and author revealed that it has been a whole three months of loafing for the girls. All of that is over now as they embark on a new journey. Redi also shared the girls emotions, saying they are both excited and nervous at the same time. The proud mom is also excited to see them off on their new journey.

First day of school! After 3 months of loafing, today we walked our delightful children to their new school. They are excited but nervous! Wishing them a beautiful, happy experience at their nww school,” Redi said.

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