Here Is How Mo Flava Dodged Being A Blesser Over the Weekend

Here Is How Mo Flava Dodged Being A Blesser Over the Weekend. One thing about the groove culture is, it’s mostly about survival. A number of times people, more especially ladies go out to have a great time, but without a cent to their name.
What happens is that these beautifully looking ladies target men who look moneyed and expect them to pay for their expensive drinks and food. Some rich guys also go to such places to look for ladies they can sponsor for the night. Normally this is done with the intention of going home with them for the night afterwards. As dangerous as this is, it happens quite a lot and has been made to appear normal.
Over the weekend Mo Flava was almost turned into a blessee by a group of ladies. The award winning media personality and DJ shared that while he was just chilling at some spot, a bill was brought to his attention to take care of. The bill which cost over R3000 came with the waiter with the instruction that Mo Flava should pay. As any sane person, he refuses, stating that he wont pay for drinks ordered by people that he doesn’t even know.
“A group of ladies just told the waiter to bring their bill of R3394 to me and I must pay…why would I pay for drinks ordered by people I don’t even know??? Tf have people become,” Mo Flava said.

At least one lady from the group came and apologized afterwards. This though wasn’t enough to change Mo Flava’s mind tho, and he still stood his ground to not pay. What he did is great, considering how easy it is to find yourself in a mess after hanging with ladies you have no business to be around.