Applications Open for the SAPS Internships Programme 2021 / 2022

Applications Open for the SAPS Internships Programme 2021 / 2022. The South African Police Service hereby invites unemployed graduates who conform to the requirements for a twelve (12) month Graduate Recruitment Scheme at Division Supply Chain Management. The Graduate Recruitment Scheme is part of the National Human Resource Development Strategy and the National Skills Development Strategy.
Generic Requirements:
*Be a South African citizen
*Must be in possession of National Senior Certificate or equivalent (NCV L4)
*Must have no previous criminal conviction(s) or case(s) pending
*Applicants must be unemployed, and never employed in the field of the advertised post and never
participated in an internship programme in the relevant field of the post
*Applicants must be residents of the Province where the post is advertised (proof of residential address
to be attached)
*Applicants are restricted to apply for only three (3) positions and complete separate application forms
for each post reference number.
Intern Categories with Minimum Requirements:
- Graduate Intern: Tertiary Qualification is required
- Student Intern: Practical experience is required by the tertiary institution in order for the learner to finalize qualification (recent letter from the institution must be attached)
NB: Stipend for each category will be as determined by the Divisional Commissioner Human
Resource Development: South African Police Service.
The following posts are advertised for the consideration of the Graduate Recruitment Scheme into the South African Police Service.
1 Division Supply Chain Management
Generic Requirements:
*Be a South African citizen
*Must be in possession of National Senior Certificate or equivalent (NCV L4)
*Must have no previous criminal conviction(s) or case(s) pending
*Applicants must be unemployed, and never employed in the field of the advertised post and never participated in an internship programme in the relevant field of the post
*Applicants must be residents of the Province where the post is advertised (proof of residential address
to be attached)
*Applicants are restricted to apply for only three (3) positions and complete separate application forms
for each post reference number.
Intern Categories with Minimum Requirements:
Graduate Intern: Tertiary Qualification is required
Student Intern: Practical experience is required by the tertiary institution in order for the learner to finalize
qualification (recent letter from the institution must be attached)
NB: Stipend for each category will be as determined by the Divisional Commissioner Human
Resource Development: South African Police Service.
The following posts are advertised for the consideration of the Graduate Recruitment Scheme
into the South African Police Service.
Motor Mechanic Intern (Petrol/Diesle Mechanic) – SAPS Garages x 55
Additional Requirements:
*N2 in Motor Mechanic/Mechanical Engineering or N3 in Motor Mechanic/Mechanical
Engineering/ NCV level 4 in Motor Mechanic/ Diesel Mechanic.
Panel Beater Intern (SAPS Garages) x 10
Additional Requirements:
*N2 in Auto Body Repair/Spray Painting/Mechanical Engineering or N3 in Auto Body
Repair/Spray Painting / NCV level 4 in Auto Body Repair/Spray Painting.
Administration Interns (SCM) – Provincial Mechanical Services Garages x 17
Additional Requirements:
*National Diploma/Degree in Supply Chain Management/Logistics or relevant
Administration Interns (HRM) – Provincial Mechanical Services Garages x 20
Additional Requirements:
*National Diploma/Degree in Public Administration/Office Management/Administrative
Management or Human Resource Management or relevant qualification.
For full details download advert from SAPS Official Website here
How to apply

- Only the official application form for the internship programme (available on the SAPS website) will be accepted. All instructions on the application form must be adhered to. Failure to do so may result in the rejection of the application.
- The post particulars and reference number of the post must be correctly specified on the application form.
- A Curriculum Vitae must be submitted together with the application form and *proof of residence.
- Certified copies of an applicant’s ID document, Senior Certificate and all post school educational qualifications obtained must also be submitted and attached to every application. Certified copies should not be older than 3 months. No faxed or e-mailed applications will be considered *only certificate of qualifications will be accepted, and not a statement of results.
- All short-listed candidates will be subjected to fingerprint screening.
- Applications must be mailed timeously. Late applications will not be accepted or considered. The
- closing date for all applications is 2021-09-30
- If an applicant is short-listed, it can be expected of him/her to undergo a personal interview. Shortlisted applicants may be subjected to security clearance.
- Correspondence will be conducted with successful interns only. If you have not been contacted within 2 months after the closing date of this advertisement, please accept that your application was unsuccessful.
- The South African Police Service is under no obligation to fill a post after advertisement thereof.
- A stipend will be paid according to proof of relevant qualification.
- Recommended candidates will be expected to sign a 12 month internship contract.
- Graduate Recruitment Scheme of the SAPS may not be regarded as a guarantee for automatic absorption for permanent appointment.