KwaZulu-Natal Tourism Internship Programme 2014/2015
Tourism KwaZulu-Natal, a statutory authority responsible for the promotion, marketing, and development of tourism in KwaZulu-Natal, is offering an internship programme to unemployed and newly-qualified graduates who require experiential training.
Tourism KwaZulu-Natal is the Tourism Authority for the province of KwaZulu-Natal established by KwaZulu-Natal Tourism Act of 1996 (as amended in 2002).
Applications are invited from candidates who have completed a degree or three (3) year diploma in the following fields:
Tourism Management (Ref: TM)
Marketing (Ref: MK)
Public Relations (Ref: PR)
Information Technology (Ref: IT)
Financial Accounting/Cost and Management Accounting (Ref: FCA)
Supply Chain Management (Ref: SCM)
Human Resource Management (Ref: HRM)
Tourism Development (Ref: TD)
Applicants must be living in KwaZulu-Natal and must be between the ages of 18 and 35.
Applicants must be unemployed.
Applicants must:
Be computer literate,
Have a desire to learn,
Master and apply essential skills,
Display attention to detail,
Be able to communicate professionally in English and
Be able to work at an above average speed.
The programme will take place from 1 April 2014 to 31 March 2015. Interns will receive a stipend of R3 000 per month.
How to apply
To apply please submit your CV, clearly indicating the programme you are applying for by quoting the reference number, a letter motivating for the position, certified copies of all qualifications and identity document, to [email protected], or hand deliver to Tourism KwaZulu-Natal, Suite 303 Tourist Junction, 160 Monty Naicker Road (Pine Street) Durban.
Enquiries: Mphathiswa Golodza at (031) 366 7500
CLOSING DATE: 04 MARCH 2014 at 12H00
Please note: The right not to make an appointment is reserved, and if no communication is received within eight weeks of the closing date, please regard your application as having been unsuccessful.