Applications Open For The SA Weather Service Internships 2020 / 2021

Applications Open For The SA Weather Service Internships 2020 / 2021. The South African Weather Service (SAWS) invites applications for eighteen months (18) Work Integrated Learning Programme.
We are looking for TVET College learners in the following fields:
- Management Assistant N6 – (Ref: MAAS 2020)
- Human Resources Management N6 – (Ref: HRM 2020)
- Financial Management N6 – (Ref: FM 2020)
- Business Management N6 – (Ref: MB 2020)
- An applicant must be learners living with disability who has just completed N6 in one of the above mentioned fields of studies.
- An applicant has been unemployed for a period of less than one-year after completion of N6.
Successful Candidates:
- Will be required to enter into Work Integrated Learning Agreement with SAWS
- Will be placed at the SAWS Head Office;
- Will be paid monthly stipend of R5066.34;
- Will be responsible for arranging their own accommodation and transport;
How to Apply
A comprehensive CV with copies of qualifications should be emailed (with the name of the position and relevant reference number in the subject line) to: [email protected]
Closing Date: 3 August 2020