Job Application Do’s and Don’ts

Job Application Do’s and Don’ts
People still do mistakes when it comes to job applications and those mistakes will cost you a job of your dreams. We need to fill in the application forms as truthfully and honest as possible, because what you have on your CV might correspond with the answers you’re going to fill in on the application form. Read and understand the application form before you fill it in. Here are some Do’s and Don’ts to guide you along.
-Do have a certified copy of your ID and school qualifications
– Do read directions first and then fill out the application
– Do print clearly and neatly instead of cursive writing
– Do be specific about the position you are applying for (don’t put “any job”)
– Do answer every question or write N/A if not applicable
– Only use references that have given you permission
– Do include a copy of your resume with the application
– Do bring a blue or black ink pen
– Do provide only positive information about you and previous employers
– Do stay within the boxes and the lines
-Do fill out the application form completely, spelling counts!
-Do have correct telephone numbers
– Do use the information from your resume to complete the application
– Do brag about your qualifications and accomplishments-this is where you blow your own horn
-Do thank the person who has interviewed you, or has provided the application.
-Don’t cross out information(unless given as an option)
– Don’t ask for a phone book for additional information
– Don’t write “fired” for reason for leaving job – instead, “let go” or “not a good fit” and be prepared to explain what you mean
– Don’t write unemployed on application
– Don’t say anything bad about a person or company
– Don’t forget to sign and date the application
– Don’t Lie
– Don’t (or try not to) make mistakes
– Don’t Leave blanks
– Don’t address disabilities unless the question is directly related to the job and the ability to perform it
-Don’t be late for an interview
– Don’t use abbreviations
– Don’t try to explain limitations on the application – describe your abilities and skills
-Don’t forget to find out whom you should be dealing with about job hiring