Tweeps Share Different Views On DJ Warras Not Agreeing With The Covid 19 Child Grant #DJWarrasMustFall

Tweeps Share Different Views On DJ Warras Not Agreeing With The Covid 19 Child Grant. On Tuesday evening President Cyril Ramaphosa announced that the government will implement relief measures to help the most vulnerable South Africans.
One of the relief measures is to increase the child grant for a period of six months. Many people weighed in on the matter including DJ Warras. The radio personality argues that the child grant shouldn’t have been increased. “People should not be incentivized to have children they can’t afford,’ he said.
DJ Warras immediately trended under the hashtag, #DJWarrasmustfall. Many dragged him saying he lacks empathy and sympathy for the poor and vulnerable. On the other hand some agreed with him on the basis that people just have children for the grant.