Celeb News

“Fetch Your Life,” Ntsiki Mazwai Fires Shots At Minister Nathi Mthethwa

“Fetch Your Life,” Ntsiki Mazwai Fires Shots At Minister Nathi Mthethwa. This is the week Bonang Matheba catches a break, because Ntsiki Mazwai has moved on to a whole minister.

How did this one start? Well the outspoken Ntsiki labelled the national rugby team an apartheid trigger. She said the team reminds her of how mentally damaged we are. DA’s Tsepo Mhlongo responded to her saying, “Ntsiki needs counseling. Let us support sport that will build One nation with One future.”

Minister of Arts, Sports and Culture Nathi Mthethwa retweeted the words of Mhlongo, which clearly did not sit well with Ntsiki. “All you have done is send condolence tweets in your term. Nothing for arts and culture and you think you can comment on my well being mentally? Are you sure? Fetch your life sir,” Ntsiki fumed.

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