AfriSam: Bursary Programme 2015

Closing Date: 20 February 2015
To ensure the continued success of our business, our bursary scheme is meant to provide financial support to registered undergraduate students who are currently in their 2nd year at a recognised South African University of Technology.
We are offering bursary opportunities and inviting the following talented and high performing full-time students to apply:
- Civil Engineering
- Mining Engineering
Students with an excellent track record (minimum 65% average in academic results) and who are in need of financial assistance are invited to apply.
How to Apply
Send your application to:
Ntando Ngidi, e-mail: [email protected]
On subject line reference as follows: “Bursary 2015 – Diploma”
Applications must consist of a CV, certified copy of ID as well as latest academic results.
You must also submit a 500 word essay motivating why AfriSam is the ideal training ground for your chosen career.