Impressive! Inno Matijane Takes Us Through a Tour of His Furniture Business Workshop

Impressive! Inno Matijane Takes Us Through a Tour of His Furniture Business Workshop. Quite a good number of our celebrities, keep on diversifying their income. Many of them have ventured into businesses, and they are doing very well. Inno Matijane is one of them, and we are here for his latest business.
Inno has done a lot of things in the entertainment industry, showing off his amazing talent. Many know him as a cast member of The Way Ngingakhona, a reality show that aired on Moja Love TV. Before then though, Inno was already a foot in the industry. He was popular for his show on VOOV TV and skits on social media. He then bagged a presenting job on MTV Base, after that he partnered with BET Africa.
Inno is also an entrepreneur of note. In 2019, he came through with his own perfume brand called Siege. The media personality, reality show star and entrepreneur, also had a cosmetics business. Now he is back with another business called Innofurn. He manufactures bespoke furniture, and sells is locally and to other neighboring countries. Inno recently took his followers inside the workshop where the magic is done, and it is quite impressive.
“Welcome to Innofurn,” he said in excitement.