Celeb News

“Can’t Post My Gig Guide Due to Safety Reasons,” Muzi The Mbuzi

“Can’t Post My Gig Guide Due to Safety Reasons,” Muzi The Mbuzi. Most Big Brother Mzanzi participants were already in the entertainment industry before entering the show. Their hope was for the show put their names out there and help grow their brands.

One such is Muzi The Mbuzi. He is a DJ of note, loves photography, and overall is a young talented individual who wants to see himself do well in life. As housemates were introduced, many had hopes on Mbuzi, as it looked like he was full of personality and bringing something different. As days went by though, he struggled to stand out, and that didn’t do much for his fan base growth.

Mbuzi also entered into a relationship with Nsuku, but the ship did not have much impact on his game. He befriended Ashley Ogle, and his downfall came when he voted her out. This was when housemates were asked to select an individual, to be evicted immediately. Many of Ashley’s fans started dragging him, and celebrated when he was voted out a couple of weeks later.

Even after his eviction, Mbuzi still got dragged. He also on the other hand clapped back, and seemingly mocked Ashley. In one interview, she labelled her as a failed dancer, and the fan base as slow learners. Mbuzi also shared some of his gigs, making it known out there that he is booked and busy.

It seems like all the social media back and forth with the fans has put Mbuzi’s life in danger. He recently shared on X that he can’t share his gig guide on hos pages, for safety reasons.

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