10 Things You Are Not Allowed to Do in Kuwait

Kuwait is a wealthy Gulf nation known for its rich culture, strict laws, and deep-rooted traditions. While it is a welcoming country, there are specific rules and regulations that residents and visitors must follow. Breaking these laws can result in hefty fines, deportation, or even imprisonment. Here are ten things you are not allowed to do in Kuwait.
1. Drinking Alcohol or Being Drunk in Public
Alcohol is completely banned in Kuwait. It is illegal to sell, consume, or possess alcohol. Being caught drunk in public can lead to severe legal consequences, including imprisonment.
2. Public Displays of Affection
Holding hands, hugging, or kissing in public is frowned upon and, in some cases, punishable by law. Couples are expected to be discreet in public spaces.
3. Criticizing the Emir or Government
Any form of criticism against Kuwait’s ruling family, government, or Islamic values can result in imprisonment. Social media posts that are considered offensive can also lead to legal action.
4. Dressing Immodestly
While Kuwait is relatively more liberal than some of its neighbors, wearing revealing clothing, especially in public places like malls and restaurants, is considered disrespectful and can attract unwanted attention or warnings.
5. Engaging in Homosexuality or Cross-Dressing
Same-sex relationships and acts are illegal in Kuwait. The country also has strict laws against cross-dressing, and violating these rules can lead to imprisonment or deportation.
6. Taking Photos of People Without Permission
Photographing locals, government buildings, military sites, or religious institutions without permission is illegal and could result in fines or detention. Always ask before taking pictures.
7. Eating in Public During Ramadan
During the holy month of Ramadan, eating, drinking, or smoking in public during daylight hours is strictly prohibited, even for non-Muslims. Violators can face fines or imprisonment.
8. Possessing or Using Drugs
Kuwait has zero tolerance for drugs. Even possessing a small amount of illegal substances can lead to life imprisonment or the death penalty.
9. Displaying Public Indecency or Profanity
Using foul language, making rude gestures, or engaging in disorderly conduct in public can lead to arrest, fines, or deportation.
10. Importing or Distributing Banned Items
Certain items, including pork products, pornography, religious materials that are not Islamic, and even some books or films, are banned in Kuwait. Trying to bring these items into the country can result in confiscation or legal consequences.
Following Kuwait’s laws and respecting its cultural norms is essential for a smooth and trouble-free experience in the country. Visitors and expatriates should always be aware of local regulations to avoid any legal trouble.