Vusi Thembekwayo Soars With the Numbers On YouTube
Vusi Thembekwayo Soars With the Numbers On YouTube. 2025 has been so great to Vusi Thembekwayo in terms of social media following. His content is relative to many, whether you are into business, or you just want to improve your personal life.
A few weeks back he reached a whooping 1 million followers on LinkedIn. This is the world’s largest professional network on the internet helping users to find the right jobs, internships as well as networking with fellow professionals. Reacting to the milestone, Vusi thanked all his followers on the platform.
Now the award winning entrepreneur, mentor, motivational speaker and author is back with another social media win. Vusi has reached a million subscribers on YouTube. He started the channel back in 2012, and 13 years later, the channel is still standing, and growing. Vusi also advised fellow YouTubers on how to grow their following on the platform.
“I’ve been on this journey for years, starting my YouTube channel in 2012.
Today, we’ve finally hit 1,000,000 subscribers and I’m thankful for each one of you!
To the people that were asking for advice on how to get your channel to the next level – surround yourself with a strong, supportive team and develop a thoughtful strategy. After that, trust that everything will fall into place in its own time,” Vusi said.